green is the new

Northern Print Solutions is a Certified Carbon Capture® Company, meaning that we offer our customers the opportunity to carbon balance their print by taking part in the Carbon Capture® Scheme. It’s good to be green, especially if you use the right combination of CMYK to create it.
Carbon offset paper
We care for the environment and the future for generations to come. By capturing the carbon emitted from the production and manufacture of the paper we use and paying the Carbon Capture ® surcharge, we’re supporting the plantation of new, native UK and international woodland. This means our paper is carbon neutral and you can display our carbon balanced logo on all your print.
Sustainable Materials
All of the paper we use is either FSC or PEFC accredited and sourced from managed, sustainable woodland.

Energy efficient machinery
We run top of the range eco-conscious printing presses that are designed to be energy-efficient.
Post consumer waste
Where possible we use materials that are simple to recycle once they have been used.

Local suppliers
We aim to use local suppliers and carbon neutral national distributors. This creates less carbon from the very beginning of the print journey.
Print with panache
We'll make you look your very best